
New journal paper

Galmiz O., Cimerman R., Pareek P., Janda M., Machala Z.: Production of reactive species by using surface dielectric barrier discharge in direct contact with water, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. XY (xy), XY (2025).
abstract | citations: 0

New project

Plasma chemistry in discharges at atmospheric pressure in contact with liquids and catalysts
SK-SRB-23-0043 - Slovak Research and Development Agency
Principal investigator: Machala, Z. ; duration: 2024-2025

New events

November 2024: We were selected to organize "The 14th International Symposium on Non-thermal/Thermal Plasma For Pollution Control and Sustainable Energy" in Bratislava (2026).

November 2024: Head of our division Karol Hensel attended 13 ISNTP conference in Gangneung, Korea.

October 2024: Head of our division Karol Hensel attended XVIII ICESP conference in Kyoto, Japan.

October 2024: Two our colleagues, Mário Janda and Oleksandr Galmiz, were on a short term scientific mission in Belgrade, at Institute of Physics, in the laboratory of Nevena Puač and Nikola Škoro.

October 2024: Oleksandr Galmiz is not our post-doc anymore, he continues to work with us as an assistant professor.

September 2024: We have a new Post-Doc, Adriana Mišúthová.

September 2024: We have a new PhD student, Akshara Chithran.

September 2024: We presented our research at Science Night Festival in Bratislava.

June 2024: We were awarded a project funded by VAIA agency, within the framework of Recovery and resilience plan: Large projects for excellent researchers. Title of the project is "Environmental Applications of electrical Discharges for Water and aIr Cleaning, and agriculturE (EnvADWICE)".

May 2024: Teambuilding at astronomical observatory in Modra.

April 2024: Post-doc Thomas Vazquez left our group.

March 2024: Post-doc Saeed Kooshki left our group.

February 2024: Short scientific mission of Kasidapa Polprasarn (PhD student from Ecole Polytechnique Paris) in our laboratory.

December 2023: We regret to announce that our colleague and friend Imrich Morva passed away on December 26.

MOvember 2023: Several our team members became MO-brothers, supported by our MO-sisters, aiming to support prostate and testicular cancer research.

November 2023: Our colleague Mário Janda received a special thank you from the dean of the faculty for his teaching activities.

November 2023: Excursion to water power plant in Gabčíkovo

October 2023: Head of our division Karol Hensel attended INSPEDADM conference in La Rochelle, France.

September 2023: We presented our research at European Researchers' Night in Bratislava.

September 2023: Aleksandra Lavrikova succesfully represented our team at Falling Lab Walls Slovakia competition.

September 2023: Two our colleagues, Zdenko Machala and Karol Hensel attended Plathinium meeting.

September 2023: We have four new PhD students, Jana Kšanová, Peter Tóth, Gokul Selvaraj and Sergei Smirnov.

August 2023: Our PhD student Aleksandra Lavrikova succesfully defended her PhD thesis.

July 2023: Several memebers of our team attended International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases.

June 2023: Excursion to a waste-to-energy facility in Bratislava

May 2023: Our PhD student Zuzana Okruhlicová succesfully passed qualifiacation exams.

May 2023: Our PhD student Morteza M. Saedi succesfully left our group.

April 2023: Teambuilding in Banská Štiavnica.

April 2023: Our colleague, Richard Cimerman was awarded by best poster prize at WE-Heraeus-seminar, Bad-Honnef, Germany.

February 2023: Our PhD student Robin Menthéour succesfully defended his PhD thesis.

January 2023: Our PhD. student, Aleksandra Lavrikova was awarded by Ján D. Skalný's Prize for best oral presentations at SAPP XXIV conference.

MOvember 2022: Several our team members became MO-brothers, supported by our MO-sisters, aiming to support prostate and testicular cancer research.

November 2022: Our PhD. student Robin Menthéour won the best presentation prize at GDR HappyBio conference, November 2-4, Albi, France.

October 2022: New Post-Doc, Oleksandr Galmiz from Czechia, joined our team.

September 2022: We organized 9th Central European Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, joint with COST Action CA19110 workshop.

September 2022: Our PhD. student Darina Kužmová won the best poster prize at CESPC9 conference, September 4-9, High Tatras, Slovakia.

August 2022: Our PhD student Mostafa E. Hassan succesfully defended his PhD thesis.

July 2022: Our colleague Zdenko Machala was inaugurated by the President of the Slovak Republic as a university professor .

Jun 2022: Our PhD student Gervais B. Ndiffo Yemeli, succesfully defended his PhD thesis.

May 2022: New PhD student, Morteza M. Saedi from Iran joined our team.

April 2022: Our PhD. student Robin Menthéour was awarded by 3rd rank prize at the Student's Scientific Conference organized by our faculty.

May 2022: Teambuilding in Smolenice.

April 2022: New Post-Doc, Saeed Kooshki from Iran, joined our team.

February 2022: New PhD student, Darina Kužmová from Slovakia joined our team.

MOvember 2021: Several our team members became MO-brothers, supported by our MO-sisters, aiming to support prostate and testicular cancer research.

November 2021: New PhD student, Pankaj Pareek from India joined our team.

September 2021: We have two new PhD students, Zuzana Okruhlicová and Slavomír Pásztor.

August 25, 2021: Two our students, Katarína Kučerová and Dominika Sersenová, succesfully defended their PhD theses.

May 2021: Karol Hensel obtained Bronze medal for many years of work for the benefit of the Faculty, issued by Dean of Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics of Comenius University.

April 21, 2021: Several our students succeeded at Student's Scientific Conference (SVK) organized at our faculty. For example, Maria Cibikova and Emanuel Matas were awarded by Tilman Maerk price, 2nd and 3rd rank, respectively.

March 2021: Zdenko Machala gained scientific degree "DrSc." (Doctor od Sciences), the highest academic degree in Slovakia.

January 1, 2021: Our colleague Zdenko Machala promoted from head of our division to head of whole Department of Astronomy, Physics of the Earth and Meteorology. Consequently, Karol Hensel became head of our division.

June 2019: Our PhD. student Richard Cimerman was awarded by prize for the best poster presentations at ISPC 24 conference.

April 2019: Our colleague Mario Janda was awarded by Prize of Dean of Faculty of mathematics, physics and Informatics, Comenius University in Bratislava for scientific achievements for the year 2018.

January, 2019: Two our PhD. students, Katarína Kučerová and Richard Cimerman were awarded by Ján D. Skalný's Prize for best poster presentations at SAPP XXII conference.
